This section of "Basil Rathbone: Master of Stage and
Screen" contains a collection of letters written by Rathbone. The letters
provide an intimate glimpse into Rathbone's personal history, expressing
his thoughts, hopes and needs. This first page contains five letters
written to David Macklin in the late 1950s, when David was President of
the Official Basil Rathbone Club. The second page displays Rathbone's letters to various
people. If you have a letter from Rathbone, which you'd like to share with
other Rathbone fans, please send me a scan, or a photocopy of the letter.
gisbourne@basilrathbone.net .
David Macklin, an actor who was fortunate enough to work
with Basil Rathbone, has graciously offered to share the following five letters which he received from
Basil Rathbone. In the late 1950s Mr. Macklin was President of the Official Basil Rathbone Club.
Basil and his wife were honorary president and vice president of the club. Mr. Macklin
published "Basil's New Book" from 1957 through 1959, which was a continuation of "Basil's Blue Book," published by
Doris DeVasier, the fan club president in the 1940s. In 1962 Mr. Macklin worked with Basil Rathbone making
"Warbirds," a TV pilot film based on "The Dawn Patrol," for 20th
Century Fox. You can read David's recollections on the
Anecdotes page. For a partial list of David Macklin's
numerous TV and motion picture acting credits, click
here. Visit
www.davidmacklin.com to order
Mr. Macklin's acclaimed book ACTING in the Motion Picture BUSINESS,
or contact Mr. Macklin by e-mail at mackduff@yahoo.com.
Here is the first letter, addressed to David Mortashed (David Macklin's
real name):
Dec. 3, 1957
 Dear Mr. Mortashed,
Thank you for the "notes"*- nicely and intellegently written. Even if
they do flatter me beyond my deserts! As one grows older one becomes more critical of
oneself and less of other people. And there are times now I don't like myself at all! both
as a person & professional..."Huck Finn" was one of them..I thought it was a
real mess...not enough Mark Twain & too much superflous "production"
(singing & dancing). Jack Carson and I did what we could for Mark Twain but our
opportunitys were limited. The Kraft Show on Dec 11, which we start rehearsals for today
"reads well"--let's see how it "acts." I am doing a
"Hallmark" on Feb. 15th--could be interesting--who knows. All T.V.
suffers from lack of time in preparation & tremendous costs. I wish to heaven I could
find a play. In the theatre one has the time to prepare& develope a character. Motion
pictures--with rare exceptions--play to the lowest common denominator--they are made for
the millions. (as also TV. 20 million per night for a T.V. show is not unusual!) I may do
a picture in March for John Ford "The Last Hurrah"--with Spencer Tracy. John
Ford never compromises--and is successful. So it can be done! He only does what he likes
and loves & his way -- no one's else. By the by I have a nice Christmas record out
made by Westminster--Bible readings with Christmas music by famous Choirs & Choral
Societies. I am very pleased with it. --Well, off to rehearsals now. All the best
Sincerely yours
Basil Rathbone |
* He is referring to the "Basil's New Notes" sent out by the
fan club between issues of "Basil's Booklet" (a fan club publication).
(Spelling and grammar is as originally written.)
This second letter (note, really) was written on daughter Cynthia's stationary.
Rathbone crossed out her name and wrote "Basil" above it. David Macklin writes,
"I think it is the most special and collectable of the letters I have, although the
other ones are much more newsy and complex. He [Rathbone] had just returned from Ohio
Wesleyan University after doing a magnificent narration of Arthur Honegger's Symphonic
Psalm 'King David.' This was performed by the orchestra and chorus of Ohio Wesleyan
University, Rexford Keller conductor, on May 9, 1958." The letter is postmarked May
11, 1958.
Sunday night
Dear David- Arrived
home tonight- tired -very tired but very much gratified with the work done at Ohio Weslyn.
Thanks for the new Club magazine which I read on the train. It was nice meeting you. I
have no more news now. This is really just a thank you note.
Best wishes
Basil Rathbone |
(Spelling and grammar is as originally written.)
The third letter from Basil Rathbone was written on Christmas day, 1958, and mailed
from 135 Central Park West, New York 23 NY.
Dec 25 1958
Dear David ..
Thanks for your letter & your Christmas card. Unfortunately I have no exciting news
for you, but I might have in the near future! Things in the entertainment business are
very slow & I am "lecturing" to fill in. I go to Florida for 4 dates early
in Jan & have several more lined up for late Jany & Feby, if something I like
better doesn't turn up. Miss June Taylor & I are in the finals for the Arthur Murry
show! We shall dance together again!! We really dont stand much of a chance as the
competition we are up against is terrific. We are all well & enjoying the holidays.
Hope "you all" are doing the same.
Sincerely. yours
Basil |
(Spelling and grammar is as originally written.)
The fourth letter from Basil Rathbone was
written on March 24, 1958. He gives his opinions about the film The Last
Basil Rathbone
135 Central Park West
New York 23, N.Y.March 24
Dear David,
Again an intelligent and entertaining "Notes." I thank you and congratulate you.
I flew in from the coast last night-- Here's my news:- "The Last Hurrah" was a
pleasure to work in-I find John Ford a brilliant director-whose major asset is he
knows what he wants and what he wants is instinctively right. He is also a highly
Knowledgeable and entertaining Man. A really big personality.
I cannot tell you much about the
picture- it depends on so many things, the first of which that comes to my mind
is:-splendid as he is, is there too much of Spencer Tracy?- to many perhaps there can
never be too much of Tracy- but it is a terrific load he is carrying and his star studded
supporting cast can do little more than just support him. Also I believe the picture is
over long & some of us may find some of our work left on the cutting room floor! While
out there I made a brief guest appearance on "The Betty White" TV 1/2 hour
live...no harm done! & one was very well photographed. I also recorded for "Audio
Books" four of the adventures of Sherlock Holmes ..The complete stories of
"Scandal in Bohemia".."The Blue Carbuncle".."The Red Headed
League"..The Speckled Band".. It was an exhausting chore. Seven hours of
recording on two consecutive days. I heard some of the tape played back- I am reasonably
satisfied. Then on Sat I recorded scenes from (not the picture- from the book itself)
"The Brothers Karamazov"-
There are eight Scenes which virtually tell the
whole story- I play a different part in Each Scene - the part opposite me is not
recorded & you receive with the record a complete script & you play the
other parts opposite me! Its called CO-STAR. They have also made several Concertos with
famous European Conductors & orchestra's -The solo instrument ( violin or piano is
eliminated) - if a pianist, you sit down with a full orchestra & play on a live piano
to a record of the rest of the orchestra. It was a full month out on The Coast & here
I am back with no particular thing in view. I have been approached to do the Summer
Circuit here in the East with "Separate Tables"- This I would very much like to
do- I enjoyed the play enormously & would find it's two roles a distinct challenge.
Best wishes to you all.
Yours, Basil |
(Spelling and grammar is as originally written.)
The fifth letter (note) was written on February 12, 1959. Basil sounds a little
frustrated that he hasn't got more acting work.
Feby 12th -'59
Dear David - Thank
you - Its, as usual, a nice job. What you need is some exciting news from me. I wish I
could send you some! There is lots on the fire but nothing has come to the boil yet. So we
will continue with the "lecture" circuit ---
Best wishes
Basil Rathbone |
(Spelling and grammar is as originally written.)
Go to Page Two for more Letters from Basil.