The Basil Rathbone Gallery

Artists' Depictions of
Basil Rathbone

Page Two

A close-up from a poster for Love From a Stranger
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A closeup of Rathbone from a poster for Love From a Stranger
Detail from a poster for A Night of Terror (aka Love From a Stranger)

Above and below: a series of poster sketches for A Night of Terror (aka Love From a Stranger)

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This wonderful sketch by Jack Davis appeared on the cover of the June 1972 issue of Flashback
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This color litho caricature drawing by Bob Harman features legendary Hollywood actors and actresses. Basil Rathbone and Errol Flynn, in a scene from "The Adventures of Robin Hood," can be found at the top center of the picture, which is from the 1971 book Bob Harman’s Hollywood Panorama.
Click here to see a close-up of just Flynn and Rathbone.

Rathbone as Scrooge in the 1958 version of "A Christmas Carol" (from the cover of the "Tales of Dickens" videotape)

Rathbone as Scrooge on the cover of the "Tales of Dickens" video
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A drawing of Scrooge from the cover of "The Stingiest Man in Town" soundtrack. Rathbone played Scrooge.

by Feg Murray, 1938

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Basil gets stabbed in Frenchman's Creek, by Feg Murray, 1944

a scene from The Adventures of Robin Hood, by Feg Murray

an elderly Rathbone, by Lisa

Rathbone and Jack Carson in a promo ad for the TV program "Huck Finn"

a 1929 drawing of Rathbone by Jerome Zerbe

A drawing by Hirschfeld, Rathbone in Witness for the Prosecution

Publicity artwork by Kroll, for the 1958 film "The Last Hurrah" pictures Spencer Tracy with Basil Rathbone, Diane Foster, James Gleason, Jeffrey Hunter and Edward Brophy.

The cast of the television musical "Aladdin": Sal Mineo as Aladdin with his magic lamp, surrounded  (clockwise from left) by Cyril Ritchard as the Magician, Basil Rathbone as the Emperor, Dennis King as the Astrologer, and Anna Maria Alberghetti as the Emperor's daughter

a caricature by Frueh, picturing Patricia Collinge, Basil Rathbone, and Wendy Hiller, from The Heiress

1955 drawing by Haessler


a drawing by Henry Major

painting by J. Lether

painting by J. Lether
Anyone wishing to have a signed 8x10 copy of this painting may contact the artist at Cost is $15.

painting by J. Lether

Another painting by J. Lether

a drawing by John Raitt, 1938 (also autographed by Rathbone)

Basil Rathbone and Ann Harding in Love from a Stranger,
a caricature by Robert Stewart Sherriff, 1937
from the National Portrait Gallery, London

a caricature of Rathbone by Einar Nerman

a caricature by Alan Jedla, 1947

drawing by Feg Murray

drawing by Edward Williams, 1955

Basil Rathbone in "The Swan," drawn by DePauw, 1923

a Hirschfeld caricature

Basil's co-stars from We're No Angels -- Humphrey Bogart, Peter Ustinov, and Aldo Rey -- and Ouida sing Happy Birthday to Basil. Drawn by Jaime Gabald
á, 2006

Basil's co-stars from The Adventures of Robin Hood -- Errol Flynn, Claude Rains, and Olivia de Haviland -- celebrate Basil's birthday. Drawn by Jaime Gabaldá, 2007

Basil's co-stars from The Comedy of Terrors -- Boris Karloff, Vincent Price, Peter Lorre, and Joe E. Brown -- surprise Basil with a birthday party as he exclaims "What place is this?" Drawn by Jaime Gabaldá, 2008  

Basil is pictured here in his role as Count Anteoni in The Garden of Allah. With him are co-stars Charles Boyer and Marlene Dietrich, as well as Joseph Schildkraut. Drawn by Jaime Gabaldá, 2009

This drawing shows Rathbone in the role of Pontius Pilate in The Last Days of Pompeii (1935). In one scene the Roman gladiator Marcus (played by Preston Foster) and his son Flavius (David Holt) meet Pontius Pilate in Jerusalem. The artist imagined that the actors Preston Foster and David Holt surprised Basil in the middle of the scene with a birthday cake and a gift. Note that the cake is in the form of a volcano erupting, an event that occurs in the climax of the film. Drawn by Jaime Gabaldà Méndez, 2011

This drawing shows Basil Rathbone as various characters from Autopsy of a Ghost (1967). The four personalities and two skeletons are pictured here as members of a 1960s rock band "The Rolling Rathbones." Drawn  by Jaime Gabaldà Méndez, 2013.

This drawing shows characters from Bathing Beauty celebrating Basil Rathbone's birthday. The dancers are Red Skelton, Esther Williams and Basil Rathbone; the musicians are Carlos Ramirez, Harry James and Xavier Cugat, all performing amidst fountains of water. Drawn by Jaime Gabaldà Méndez, 2014

The story takes place in the Republic of Venice. The time, 18th Century. The year, 1757. This is one of famous Venice water canals and sailing across them, the gondola of Casanova and on the top in a flag the coat of arms of the famous tempting Casanova. Inside the gondola, there is the real playboy and womanizer Casanova (Vincent Price), sitting and hiding behind the blue curtains of the gondola and showing his face after removing his mask. He is winking an eye to us like saying: “Do not be confused ladies and gentlemen, I am the real Casanova!” On the deck of the gondola, there is the tailor and hero of the movie, Pippo Popolino (Bob Hope) as the love-happy tailor's apprentice who is suddenly compelled to pretend to be the great duelist and heart-breaker Casanova impersonating him when the real Casanova tries to escape from his greedy creditors. “Both” Casanova are wearing the same rich and luxurious clothing and jewels. The red period coat worn, the three-cornered hat and the colored vest, so “two” Casanovas in the same outfit. The real and the false. Pippo is singing one romantic serenade. Besides him, his faithful companions of adventures. The widow Francesca Bruni (Joan Fontaine), a grocery merchant that at the end of this story will be the real love of the tailor's apprentice and Lucio (Basil Rathbone), the valet de chamber of real Casanova who helps the tailor training him to act and speak as the real Casanova and teaching him every trick of the trade. In the drawing, Basil is playing the mandolin, accompanying Pipo’s serenade in one of the most delicious and comic charm moments of the movie. Of course, with the sound of Basil’s mandolin and the false Casanova’s voice all the women fall (literally) at Pipo’s feet. Drawn by Jaime Gabaldà Méndez, 2015

This drawing is based on characters from the 1958 film The Last Hurrah, a story about a mayoral election in a New England city. Pictured here are the two opposite sides in the election facing one another like gangs in the street. The gang on the left is headed by Frank Skeffington (Spencer Tracy), the veteran mayor who wants to win his last Election. Beside him is his nephew, Adam Caulfield (Jeffrey Hunter), the sportswriter of the local newspaper. On his side are Skeffington supporters Boland, Gillen, Gorman, and Cortez. The opposite side is led by conservative banker Norman Cass (Basil Rathbone), Amos Force (John Carradine), candidate Kevin McCluskey, and Cardinal Martin Burke. Drawn by Jaime Gabaldà Méndez, 2016




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All original content is © Marcia Jessen, 2016