Candid Photos, 1930s
Page Five
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Socialites and film folk at the Robin Hood Archery
Tournament in Palm Springs. Basil Rathbone (in light pants)
presented the trophy to the winner. Picture, left to right, are
James Cagney, ?, Howard Hill (archery expert and host of the event),
Rathbone, Alice Gwynne Preston, and friend. |

Maureen O'Sullivan and Olivia de Havilland picking
Basil's pockets for a charity |

Rathbone and George Houston on golf course, 1936
Photo by Julian P. Graham |

Guy Charrington, Mrs. Gladys Quarre
Peabody, and Basil Rathbone at a party given by Mrs. Peabody at the Mark
Hopkins, March 31, 1939. |

Rathbone practicing his fencing |

Glamour was tossed out the window by Marlene
Dietrich, when a brief but furious rainstorm occurred in the midst of
more than 100-degree heat at the studio where she is making a film
comeback. She is shown as she went outside to wet her bare toes in the
streaming gutter. The man in the Gandhi-like costume with her is Basil Rathbone, known usually for his sartorial
correctness. Sept. 22, 1939 (AP Wirephoto) |

1938 |

with Freddie Bartholomew |

Mr. and Mrs. Basil Rathbone pictured on their arrival
at Grand Central Station, New York City, en route to London, where
the noted screen actor will play in a British made film. 8/18/1936
Acme Newspictures |

Rathbone and ? read The Tatler. |

Left to right: Ivan Lebedeff, unidentified woman, Cesar Romero,
Anna May Wong, and
Basil Rathbone |

Doug Fairbanks Jr. and Basil Rathbone |
Seven pictures below show Basil Rathbone hunting boar
with Howard Hill, famous archery expert. The hunt took place near
Chico, California, while on location for The
Adventures of Robin Hood. |

Rathbone and Hill sight their quarry. |

They approach the dying boar carefully. |

Dragging the 270-pound boar back. |

Examining the tusks of the boar. |

Examining the boar. |

Rathbone congratulates Hill on his prowess in killing the boar. |

Dogs, which were used in trailing the boar,
were owned and
trained by Walter Woodward and Lee Richardson (left).
Five photos below show Basil Rathbone practicing for his appearance with the San
Francisco Symphony Orchestra on March 29, 1939. Rathbone read Lord
Byron's "Manfred" to the accompaniment of the orchestra at the Civic
Auditorium. |


Basil with Alexander Steinert, composer and conductor |


Above and right: Rathbone greets Caesar Romero and
Heather Thatcher (English actress) at the opening of the Ice Follies
of 1938 at The Polar Palace in Hollywood. May 15, 1938 |

A close-up of Rathbone and Heather Thatcher at the Ice
Follies, 1938 |

A group of autograph seekers and photographers with
Basil and Ouida just before the S.S. Normandie sailed for abroad,
August 19, 1936. |

Rathbone with Judy Garland, Joan Crawford, and Reginald
Gardiner |

Ouida and Basil |

The Cock and Bull is a bit of old England transferred
to Hollywood. It has long been the favorite restaurant of Basil
Rathbone and other famous members of the English acting colony.
Photo by Charles Rhodes, January 1938 |


Rathbone and Pat O'Brien
at the Santa Anita Derby, 1938 |

Basil Rathbone shares a meal with Louis Brems, director
of public celebrations, Boston
(Photo by McCormack, taken at the Statler Hotel, Boston, 1938) |
Below are two photos from the wedding party of Gene Raymond and
Jeannette MacDonald, June 1937 |

The Gene Raymond and
Jeannette MacDonald wedding party: Nelson Eddy, Allan
Jones, Helen Ferguson Hargreaves, Richard Hargreaves, Mrs Warren Rock (sister of bride),
Robert Marlow (bridegroom's brother and best man), Jeanette Macdonald, Gene
Raymond, Fay Wray, Harold Lloyd, Ginger Rogers, Warren Rock, Mrs & Mr John Mack
Brown and Basil Rathbone. (June 1937) |

Guests at the marriage of Jeannette MacDonald to Gene
Raymond, Left to Right: Robert Marlow,Warren Rock, Allan Jones
(actor/singer), Johnny Mack Brown (cowboy actor), Harold Lloyd (silent film
star), and Rathbone, June 1937 |