"No age is without its ruthless men—who, in their search for power, leave
dark stains upon the pages of History." So reads the scrawl at the beginning of
Tower of London.
Basil Rathbone starred in this film playing Richard, Duke of Gloucester,
who later became Richard III. Ian Hunter played his brother King Edward IV, and
Vincent Price played their younger brother George, the Duke of Clarence. The
spooky club-footed executioner Mord was superbly portrayed by Boris Karloff. The
only wholly fictitious character in the film, Mord was Richard's devoted servant, and would do anything Richard asked him, including murder.
The film was based on the history of the House of York and the Wars of the Roses,
1471–1485. Richard Plantagenet, 3rd Duke of York, the father of the three brothers played
by Rathbone, Hunter and Price, had claimed a right to the throne for his family.
Parliament agreed that the claim was just. King Henry VI (House of Lancaster) mustered an
army of supporters, and thus began the Wars of the Roses. Richard Plantagenet was killed
in battle in 1461. Parliament crowned Richard's eldest son King Edward IV, and
declared Henry VI a traitor. The film begins about 12 years later. Old King Henry has been
imprisoned in the Tower and is completely incapacitated. Richard, Duke of Gloucester,
(Rathbone) is the youngest son of Richard Plantagenet and sixth in line to the throne.
Rathbone gave an excellent portrayal of Richard as sinister, heartless, base, and
ambitious, much like the title character in Shakespeare's play Richard III.
In Tower of London, Richard has a display with small dolls representing King
Edward (his brother), himself, and the five people who stand between him and the
throne. Every time one of them dies, he takes the doll, throws it in the fire,
and moves the doll representing himself closer to the throne.
In 1471 Edward, Prince of Wales (the son of old Henry VI), landed on the
west coast and started his march to London to regain the throne. With him was
his wife, lovely Anne Neville, whom he had wooed and won from Richard. Therefore
Richard hated Wales doubly so. The armies met at Tewkesbury; Wales came to duel
with Richard and was felled. Anne escaped and hid in London. Richard's spies
found her and brought her to him. Richard tricked her into marrying him.
Tower of London
Here's a grim and grisly picture, if ever there was one. Some of
the chillers of the Lugosi-Karloff school may be more lurid, but
"Tower of London" will make your hair stand on end and the cold
sweat break out just as surely—for
you'll suddenly realize that all the gruesome goings-on which are
unwinding there on the screen, actually happened! It's the story
of Richard III of England, known as "Crookback" Richard to his pals.
Torture and murder were to him what oatmeal was to his people—just
an everyday occurrence. The King rode rough-shod over everything and
every person who stood in his way to power—including his own flesh
and blood. Basil Rathbone, portraying the ruthless Richard, gives a
superb performance. Ian Hunter, in the role of King Edward VI, gives
a sincere and believable characterization. Boris Karloff is right in
there, too, with a role that must have made him shudder, himself.
He's the crippled, bald-headed chief executioner by vocation, and
Rathbone's stooge in the little leisure time allotted him. Barbara
O'Neil, Vincent Prince, Ernest Cossart and Nan Grey deserve special
mention. Outstanding throughout this picture is the wealth of
pageantry and beauty in the background, and remarkable, too, is the
fact that the story clings as closely as possible to actual history.
directed by Rowland V. Lee. —Modern
Screen, February 1940 |
Anne Neville's sister Isabel was married to George, the
Duke of Clarence. Their father (Warwick) was
very rich. King Edward redistributes the Warwick wealth according to his own
wishes, which doesn't please Clarence. Clarence conspires to kill Edward,
and is arrested.
Richard pretends to
comfort Clarence, but Clarence doesn't
trust Richard and accuses him of trying to poison him. Richard replies, "You insulting beast! I will kill you, but honestly
and fairly. I challenge you to combat with any weapon you choose....
The prize to the winner--the whole of the Warwick
estates." Clarence chooses to joust with malmsey.
He is confident he can beat Richard in wine-drinking. Eventually Richard passes
out and Clarence laughs gleefully "I have won!" Then Richard wakes up and glares at
him. He knocks Clarence on the floor, then splashes wine on his face to wake
up. With Mord's help he carries Clarence to a butt of malmsey and they throw him
in. Clarence drowns. Richard removes his
"Clarence" doll and moves himself nearer to the throne.

Richard (Rathbone) is about to pass out. |
This malmsey-drinking contest is an especially great acting scene in the film. Vincent Price and Rathbone both get falling down drunk. They don't get giddy or
silly, but are obviously staggering under the influence. Rathbone was restrained, yet
calculating how to murder his brother. Vincent Price wrote about this scene:
"They used watered-down cola for the wine, and
Basil and I had to drink quarts of it and slosh around in it....I
can't stand the stuff to this day. Like a fool, I volunteered to do
the drowning scene myself rather than be doubled. Basil and Boris were
kidding me before hand and took great delight in throwing their
cigarette butts and other trash into the vat. The stunt coordinator
told me that when they dumped me into the vat and slammed the lid down
I was supposed to grab hold of a bar at the bottom and count to ten
before coming up. After I did all that the lid was still closed! Then
I heard the crew breaking in with axes. Boris had sat on it and Basil
leaned on it and it got stuck. They managed to pull me out before I
drowned." |
Oddly enough, the story about Clarence drowning in a
butt of malmsey may be
true. But it wasn't at Richard's hands. Richard in fact pleaded with Edward to
show mercy on their brother, who really did conspire to oust Edward from the
throne. This treachery earned Clarence the death penalty. However, believing that the
public should not witness the execution of a prince, Edward ordered the sentence
to be carried out inside the Tower, in secret.
With his vivid picturization of the 15th Century, when cunning,
heartless "Crook-back" Richard III, Dike of Gloucester, sought to
sweep away all human obstacles in his path for the throne of England,
producer-director, Rowland V. Lee has delivered one of the best
historical pictures yet screened. He has gained brilliant
characterizations from his cast, and interest is held to the end.
Topping the list of performances is that of Basil Rathbone as Richard
III, while Boris Karloff is his loyal, clubfooted executioner. Ian
Hunter has never been better than as King Edward IV, while Barbara
O'Neil is decorative and capable as his wife, Queen Elizabeth. Vincent
Price does fine work, especially in his drunken bout with Richard,
which ends with his death by drowning in a barrel of wine. Nan Grey,
Ernest Cossart, John Sutton, Leo G. Carroll, Miles Mander, Robert
Sinclair, Ralph Forbes, John Herbert-Bond, Frances Robinson, John
Rodion, Lionel Belmont, Rose Hobart, G.P. Huntley, Walter Tetley and
Donnie Dunagan are among the principals in the large cast. Robert N.
Lee, who did much research work, supplied a gripping screenplay,
showing the court intrigues and rivalry of the 14 years from 1471 to
1485. Jack Otterson's sets are eye-filling and impressive. Richard III
in succession to the throne, is determined to make a short cut to the
crown. He has John Wyatt (John Sutton), who is in love with Lady Alice
Barton (Nan Grey), banished to France, and King Henry VI (Miles Mander),
a weakling, slain by Mord (Boris Karloff). With the aid of Mord he
puts the Duke of Clarence (Vincent Price) to death. On this deathbed,
King Edward IV orders Wyatt returned to England and names Richard for
the protector for the boy King Edward (Ronald Sinclair) and his
brother. With the death of King Edward IV, Richard loses little time
in having Mord slay the young ruler and his brother. Henry Tudor
(Ralph Forbes) returns to battle with Richard and in the fighting both
Richard and Mord meet their death.
—The Film Daily, November 21,
1939 |
Six years later, Edward falls ill. On his deathbed he tells the Queen, "Richard is the
wisest man in England. Rely on his judgment. He will take my place as a father
to our sons." The Queen, however, doesn't trust Richard. On the death of Edward
IV in April of 1483, his oldest son, a boy of 12, becomes King Edward V, and
Richard is appointed Lord Protector of the young king. The Queen gives John
Wyatt permission to steal the Royal treasure from the Tower so that he and Henry
Tudor can mount an assault. John succeeds in getting the treasure away, but he
is caught and arrested. Richard tortures John to try to get him to reveal where
the treasure is hidden.
Richard is furious with the Queen. To crush her spirit, he imprisons the
young princes in the Tower. Richard crowned himself King Richard III on June 26,
1483. Shortly thereafter, he had his nephews murdered.
Two years later rebel forces commanded by Henry Tudor, head of the house of Lancaster,
defeated an army led by King Richard III. Soldiers from Richard's army deserted to fight
alongside Henry Tudor. After Richard was killed in the battle, Henry Tudor was crowned
King Henry VII, the first Tudor king of England.

You're more than a duke...you're a God to me" |

Edward and Richard scheming and plotting |
Tower of London was written by Robert N. Lee, brother of Rowland V.
Lee, who produced and directed the picture. His narrative avoids the
traditional Shakespearean version, but instead follows the actual
historical records. That doesn't mean it's historically accurate, though. Although the real Richard of Gloucester did usurp the throne,
there is little evidence that he was as evil as he has been portrayed in
Shakespeare's Richard III, and in this film. Shakespeare was writing for
the Tudors, who needed to strengthen their claim to the throne. Indeed, when
the public was told that Richard had murdered the two young Princes, they were
horrified. According to history, Edward V and his brother disappeared soon after
Richard's coronation, but there is no evidence that Richard was responsible for
having them killed. Modern research has cast doubt on many of the
assumptions surrounding Richard.
For more reading on the subject of Richard III and the Plantagenet kings,
I recommend
The Last Plantagenets by Thomas B. Costain (Buccaneer
Books, 1994). Mr. Costain goes against the conventional history in claiming
that Richard III was not a hunchback, not sinister, and did not murder his
two nephews. He supports his claims with thoroughly researched facts and
logical conclusions.
Tower of London Colorful historical melodrama of
blood and intrigue as Richard, Duke of Gloucester, hacks his way
through slaughter to England's throne; the "Tower" is the grim setting
of the rack and the headsman's block—and
plain and assorted royal villainy. (Adults)
London's majestic Tower occupies something of a central place in
certain centuries in England's history. It was the temporary lodging
of certain prominent "guests" of her kings, serving as a sort of royal
hostelry with especial frequency in the reins of the Plantagenets and
the Tudors. It is notoriously connected with the murderous goings-on
of the last of the Plantagenets, Richard III, and unforgettably
identified with the little murdered princes. In The Tower of London
this famous pile of masonry takes on a brooding, powerful personality.
There are five persons between Glouscester and the throne; so much
that worse for them. Death removes all five, assisted in all cases
save one by Richard's prompting. The Duke has the unswerving loyalty
of one Mord, his smooth-skulled axeman, who carries out the murders
hatched in his master's nimble brain. After Henry VI and his heir are
dispatched, there is a breathing spell while Edward IV, Richard's
older brother, occupies the throne. Edward dies a natural death and is
succeeded by his young son with uncle Richard as Protector. While the
royal treasure is being hidden from Richard to be an aid to the exiled
Tudors, Richard strikes at last for the throne by killing the young
king and his brother. By intrigue and murder he manages to retain his
crown until the fateful day at Bosworth where he is killed and
succeeded by the first of the Tudors. Through all this welter of royal
blood there is the slender love story of John Wyatt and Lady Alice
Barton whose romance is almost destroyed by the indiscriminate Richard
in his zeal for rolling heads.
The atmosphere and story of The Tower of London combine neatly for
smooth villainy of Basil Rathbone's best manner. Rathbone plays
Richard to the hilt, literally as well as figuratively, it might be
said, and yet achieves through his intensity a sort of honesty in the
portrayal. Boris Karloff is sufficiently hideous as to make-up and
satisfactorily repelling in his activities of the chopping block. The
supporting cast is especially fine, with brilliant characterizations
by Ian Hunter and Vincent Price. the battle scenes of Tewkesbury and
Bosworth are lavish and spectacular. What with is frequent trips to
the torture chamber or the block (or to the wine cellar in the case of
the Duke of Clarence who is drowned in a butt of wine) the Tower of
London offers itself for consideration as a super-thriller based upon
historical fact rather than a serious study in the psychology of the
Plantagenets. As such it achieves a satisfying success.
—The Movies ... and
the People Who Make Them, 1939 |
It's strange to see Rathbone with graying temples in the film. In actual
fact Richard III was only 19 when he fought at the battle of Tewkesbury and only
33 when he died. Richard had nothing to do with the death of Henry VI. After
Richard became king, he had Henry's body moved and reburied at Windsor with the
other kings. Would he show such respect for one he had murdered?
One of the early scenes in the film is the execution of Lord DeVere,
played by Basil Rathbone's son Rodion. He is listed in the credits as John Rodion. Rodion
also played a small part in The Dawn Patrol.

Lord DeVere (Rodion Rathbone) tips Mord for his services: "Here is a groat, the smallest
coin I know." |

Lord DeVere is beheaded. |
Impressive sets duplicate the grandeur of 15th century London and the
magnificence of court pageantry. Elaborate costumes of the period add to
the spectacular effect and hundreds of extras appear in the crested armor
for the battle scenes.
Historical Melodrama Melodramatic political,
military and personal events of English history in the exciting years
1471–1485 will be pictured in "The
Tower of London." Naturally the show will be a costume production, and
the scale upon which Universal is making it may be realized from the
importance of the names it will present, the great number of persons
who will be used, the scope, size and authenticity of settings, the
prestige of the principals and the repute of the producer-director,
Rowland V. Lee.
Directly the theme will trace the exploits of Richard III, an
infamous plotter, who used fair or foul means to win his ends, yet is
regarded one of the strongest character of all time. Basil Rathbone,
expert in his part in "If I Were King," will interpret the title role.
"Tower of London" is also the story of a great many other
persons. There are Boris Karloff as Richard's trigger man, the kindly
queen Elizabeth, Edward IV, a strong man until he was killed, a young
Englishman who remained loyal to his queen during six years
imprisonment and torture, the young princes Edward and Richard, the
queen's young lady in waiting who helped her lover escape to conquer
the tyrant and win a crown.
To supplement the name value of Rathbone and Karloff and help make
the grim melodrama of history real and human, the production will
further make available such personalities as Barbara O'Neil, Ian
Hunter, Nan Grey, Vincent Price, John Sutton, Leo G. Carroll, Miles
Mander, Frances Robinson, Ralph Forbes, Ernest Cossart and Ronald
—Motion Picture Herald, September 30, 1939 |
The battles of Tewkesbury (1471) and Bosworth (1485) were recreated at
Tarzana, 20 miles from Hollywood. At the location site summer temperatures
of 105 degrees belied the rain in which Tewkesbury was fought and the
heavy fog in which Bosworth was waged. Four a.m. calls were issued for
Bosworth battle scenes to 450 extras and the principals. The early call
allowed fog-making technicians to work their magic before the late morning
winds interfered.
In the recreated Tewkesbury battle, man-made rain bogged down the
fighters in deep puddles and a raging stream also hampered the battlers.
Despite the ferocity of the warfare and the adverse weather conditions,
not one serious injury was recorded. All men wore chain mail and breast
plates as a protection against such deadly 15th century weapons as swords,
maces, halberds and pikes.
The fog and rain were used for the battle scenes to cover up the
bloodiness of the battles, to keep them from appearing too gory for

battle of Tewkesbury |

In battle against the Prince of Wales, son of Henry VI. |

on Bosworth field |

on Bosworth field |
Director Rowland Lee had previously worked with Basil Rathbone in Love From a
Stranger (1937), Son
of Frankenstein (1939), and The
Sun Never Sets (1939).
"Imagine Basil Rathbone as the unscrupulous prince who's busy killing off
everyone who stands between him and the throne; then think of the fun he'd
have with all the torture devices of the old prison tower—and
you'll have some idea of how gruesome this thing really is. It's first-rate
mellerdrammer." —Photoplay, February 1940
They called him derisive names behind his crooked back, but they
hesitated to show their hatred to his face because he was the
greatest duelist of his day, and because his ruthless diplomacy was
as deadly as his rapier. All too often actors show Richard the Third
of England as a creature of such leering evil, of such obvious
wickedness, that it becomes difficult to credit his tremendous
influence on the court. Basil Rathbone makes him wicked, indeed, but
virile and intense and, in a rather frightening way, immensely
attractive. He makes quite believable the ugly story of the ambition
that carried Richard closer and closer to the throne until only the
two little princes who disappeared from the bloody tower of London,
no one knows how to this day.
A truly excellent cast has been brought together for the film
which is the most believable of this season's pretentious costume
dramas. There is singularly little of the posturing, or of the
acting up to doublet and hose that so frequently mars dramas of
by-gone days. The writers of the script did not make the mistake of
using modern slang, but neither did they drag in "Prithee" and "'s
Blood" between every other word. The actors seem to have put on
their very attractive costumes and then forgotten them. The director
seemed determined to tell a story about violent people, rather than
concentrate on impressive mob scenes. All together an entirely
superior production.
Boris Karloff plays the club-foot executioner whose capacity for
evil makes his own Frankensteinian monster seem a mischievous child
at play by comparison. Barbara O'Neil makes Queen Elyzabeth, mother
of the little princes, a convincing woman rather than the usual
stock figure. Ian Hunter is a fine, hearty, roistering Edward. No
one can feel very sorry when Vincent Prince is toppled with a splash
into a butt of sack, there to drawn in his favorite liquid, so
unhealthily evil does he make the Duke of Clarence. Excellent also
are Ernest Cossart as the clownish chimney sweep, Joan Sutton, Miles
Mander, Leo Carroll, Lionel Belmore, Ralph Forbes, G.P. Huntley,
Rose Hobart and Nan Grey. This is a good way to catch up on a
chapter of history.
—Hollywood, February
1940 |
See Page Two for more reviews and screenshots from the
film. See Page Three for pictures of posters,
lobby cards and promo photos.
Cast |
Basil Rathbone
... |
Richard III |
Boris Karloff ... |
Mord, the Executioner |
Barbara O'Neill ... |
Queen Elizabeth |
Ian Hunter
... |
Edward IV |
Vincent Price ... |
Duke of Clarence |
Nan Grey ... |
Lady Alice Barton |
John Sutton ... |
John Wyatt |
Leo G. Carroll
... |
Lord Hastings |
Miles Mander
... |
Henry VI |
Lionel Belmore
... |
Beacon Chiruegeon |
Rose Hobart
... |
Anne Neville |
Ralph Forbes ... |
Henry Tudor |
Frances Robinson
... |
Duchess Isobel |
Ernest Cossart ... |
Tom Clink |
G.P. Huntley Jr.
... |
Prince of Wales |
John Rodion ... |
Lord DeVere |
Ronald Sinclair ... |
Prince Edward |
Donnie Dunagan
... |
Prince Richard as a child |
John Herbert-Bond ... |
Young Prince Richard |
Walter Tetley ... |
Chimney Sweep |
Georgia Caine
... |
Dowager Duchess |
Ivan Simpson ... |
Retainer |
Nigel de Brulier
... |
Archbishop |
Holmes Herbert ... |
Councilman |
Charles Miller ... |
Councilman |
Severn ... |
Princess |
Yvonne Severn ... |
Princess |
Louise Brien
... |
Lady in Waiting |
Jean Fenwick ... |
Lady in Waiting |
Michael Mark ... |
Servant to Henry VI |
C. Montague Shaw ... |
Major Domo |
Don Stewart ... |
Bunch |
Reginald Barlow ... |
Sheriff at Execution |
Robert Greig ... |
Father Olmstead |
Henderson ... |
Haberdeer |
Charles Peck ... |
Page Boy |
Harry Cording ... |
Tyrell, Assassin |
Jack C. Smith ... |
Forrest |
Colin Kenny ... |
Soldier |
Arthur Stenning ... |
Soldier |
Evelyn Selbie
... |
Beggar Woman |
Denis Tankard ... |
Beggar |
David Thursby
... |
Beggar |
Claire Whitney ... |
Civilian Woman |
Ernie Adams ... |
Prisoner begging for water |
Ann Todd ... |
Queen Elizabeth's daughter |
Credits |
Company ... |
Universal |
... |
Rowland V. Lee |
Director ... |
Rowland V. Lee |
Assistant Directors ... |
Fred Frank, Ford Beebe |
Screenplay |
Robert N. Lee |
Cinematographer... |
George Robinson |
Film Editor ...
Edward Curtiss |
Assistant Editor ... |
Paul Landres |
Music Composer ... |
Frank Skinner |
Music Director ... |
Charles Previn |
Art Director ... |
Jack Otterson |
Associate Art Director ... |
Richard H. Riedel |
Set Decorator ... |
Russell A. Gausman |
Costumes ... |
Vera West |
Costume Jeweler ... |
Eugene Joseff |
Make Up ... |
Jack Pierce, Sam Kaufman, Otto Lederer |
Sound Supervisor ... |
Bernard B. Brown |
Sound Technician ... |
William Hedgcock |
Matte effects ... |
Jack Cosgrove, Russell Lawson |
Camera Operator ... |
Edward Colman |
Background Photographer ... |
Henry Schuster |
Process Photographer ... |
George J. Teague |
Technical Advisors ... |
G.O.T. Bagley, Gerald Grove |
Fencing Master ... |
Fred Cavens |
Tower of London is available on DVD
Images on this page and pages two and three are from the film "Tower of
London," copyright Universal Pictures.