film opens with a brief historical background statement: "Marco Polo lived in Venice seven hundred
years ago. He was the first European to visit China and write the story of
his adventures in that land of magic and mystery."
A Venetian merchant named Nicolo Polo sends his son Marco and his
bookkeeper Binguccio to China in order to establish trade relations, and
thus acquire the treasures of the Far East cheaply. After a long, tiresome
journey Marco and Binguccio arrive in Peking (also spelled Pekin,
today is called Beijing).
Marco strikes up a conversation with a man whom he heard reading the Bible to his children.
This man (Chen Tsu) invites Marco and Binguccio to have dinner at his
home, where Marco discovers two new wonders unknown to the Italians:
spaghetti and gunpowder. Chen Tsu warns Marco Polo to be very careful
when he visits the palace. The emperor Kublai Khan is a good man, a just
man, but he is dominated by a foreign advisor (Ahmed) who has little
respect for the sanctity of life. "Make every effort to convince him that
you are no more than a friendly gentleman who is anxious to see the world
without treading on anyone's toes."
At the palace Kublai Khan is making plans to conquer Japan. Khan is
also worried about a rebellion forming in the West, under the leadership
of a Tartar named Kaidu. Khan asks Ahmed to send spies to Kaidu's province.
The Persian ambassador approaches Khan and reminds him that his daughter, Princess Kukachin,
is betrothed to the king of Persia. Khan agrees to send his daughter to
Persia on the seventh moon.
While he awaits his audience with the emperor, Marco Polo flirts with a
beautiful young woman in the garden, completely unaware that she is the
princess Kukachin. She is polite and curious about him.
Marco Polo is presented to Kublai Khan and his minister of state Ahmed.
Ahmed's evil nature is hidden by his suave and polite demeanor. Khan explains, "Ahmed is a Saracen,
and descended of the great kings of Babylon." Khan tells him that it
is Ahmed's duty to see that Marco Polo doesn't get what he has come for. Marco says
that he has come for nothing but education.

Kublai Khan and Ahmed |

Ahmed and Marco Polo |
Ahmed takes the two Venetians on a tour of the palace, starting with
his private quarters. He has a tower of his own, complete with vultures
and a pit full of hungry lions. Ahmed executes a man while Marco Polo and Binguccio watch in horror.
When Marco Polo sees the princess again he asks her if she will be able
to marry the man of her choice. He is smitten with her, and therefore sad
that she is betrothed to the king of Persia. He asks her if he may kiss her
before he leaves.
"Kiss? What is that?" And Marco happily demonstrates this
European custom, and the princess enjoys it.
Ahmed and his cohorts discuss the rebellion in Kaidu's province, and it
becomes clear that the Tartar tribesmen are rebelling because Ahmed is
stealing their tax money. Ahmed also has his eyes set on replacing Khan as
Emperor. A guard reports what he saw Marco Polo and the princess doing in
the garden. Ahmed is furious — he covets the princess for himself.
Khan asks Marco Polo to go to Kaidu's camp and spy on him. "If you do us
this favor, it's possible that upon your return, you may be that much
nearer to your own coveted trade agreements." Ahmed is fairly
certain that Kaidu will kill Marco Polo and thereby rid him of this
nuisance, but he assures Marco Polo that he will use every precaution to
guarantee his safety.
What with "Stella Dallas," "Dead End,"
"Hurricane" and "Goldwyn Follies" still fresh in public
consciousness as proof of Samuel Goldwyn's distinguished devotion to
his art, showmen setting out to summon the multitude to an
inspection of "The Adventures of Marco Polo" may find themselves in
something of a quandary as to whether the producer or the ranking
star, Gary Cooper, rates top billing. Most will decide, no doubt, to
break out full sail for both. That would amount to putting the
populace on notice with a bang.
There are, however, additional names of exploitation consequence
to be made use of. It may be made known, advantageously as pertains
to box office returns, that Basil Rathbone is present in a typical
personification of evil, that Ernest Truex has a comedy
assignment in his favorite pattern and that this is the introductory
presentation of Sigrid Gurie, a newcomer about whom the newspapers
have had much to say provocative of interest. Alan Hale, George
Barbier, H.B. Warner, Henry Kolker and Ferdinand Gottschalk are
other names to be displayed on the more spacious marquees.
All this information, diligently purveyed, would seem to
guarantee a substantial turnout for the picture in practically any
city or town. (In the minority sectors where audience I.Q. of a high
order is believed to prevail, it may be efficacious to emphasize the
name of Robert E. Sherwood as author of the screen play and
indicate, lightly that it is in the same general entertainment
classification as his "Road to Rome" and other stage plays, although
less broadly drawn.) It may be added, of course, although the name
of Goldwyn says as much, that it is an expensive, elaborate and
technically superb production.
The multitude attracted by exploitation of this or any kind
happens to be in for something of a surprise, pleasant or not as the
case my turn out to be. They are to discover that the adventures of
Marco Polo are not presented seriously, nor realistically, but
grandly, beautifully, offhandly and with explicitly humorous intent.
They are to be told, laughingly, that the hardy Venetian solicitor
of trade agreements with China was less a salesman than a lover and
more adventured against than adventuring. This may be a little
disappointing to anyone approaching the picture with a view to
finding out something about history and the customs of the period,
although it may prove compensatingly diverting, a question only time
and the public whim can answer.
As the story goes, "Marco Polo" is sent off to remot Peking with
instructions to consumate trade agreement with the fabulously
wealthy "Kublai Khan" for his Venetian merchant sponsors. "Khan,"
doting parent of the fair "Princess Kukuchin" whom "Marco" promptly
instructs in the Western art of osculation, turns the young man over
to "Ahmed," his chief of state, who also likes the girl, and
"Marco" is sent off to spy upon "Kaidu," monarch of a vassal
province. "Kairdu," normally fond of executing spies, spares "Marco"
on condition that he indulge the amorous spouse whose wifely
attentions make it a little difficult for "Kaidu" to distribute his
own romantic impulses among his subjects. "Khan" marches against
Japan, disastrously, and returns to find that "Ahmed" has taken over
his royal perogatives and is about to marry his daughter, forcibly.
Then "Marco" gives "Kaidu" a successful sales talk and leads his
army to the rescue of "Khan," the princess and the trade agreements,
in a tremendous battle introducing the use of explosives.
Although the subject matter is of a sort to suggest that maybe it
would be nice to invite the kiddies to learn about history, the
treatment of it is primarily and emphatically for the adult
population, rather especially for the sophisticated sector thereof.
This segment has liked some of Mr. Sherwood's pseudo-historical
creations pretty well, others less so. Conjecture as to the fate of
this one is, of course, conjecture.
Previewed at Warner's Hollywood theatre to a large,
distinguished, surprised profusely speculative and by no means
unanimous audience.
— William R. Weaver
—Motion Picture Herald, February 19, 1938
When Marco Polo and Binguccio reach the Kaidu territory they are immediately captured
by Kaidu's warriors, and taken to the camp. Kaidu is a vicious warrior who
boils his enemies in oil, but he also likes to be with pretty young girls
and his domineering wife prevents that. When Kaidu notices his wife
flirting with Marco Polo, he realizes that Marco can
divert the wife's attention, thus allowing Kaidu freedom to play around.
So Marco and Binguccio are spared as long as Marco can keep Kaidu's wife
occupied. Marco discovers yet another wonder unknown in Italy: coal.
While Kaidu dallies, Kublai Khan and his army go off to fight the Japanese.
Power-hungry, Ahmed
stays behind with plans to usurp the throne. The Persian ambassador reminds Ahmed that it is but one week until the
seventh moon, when the princess is to be sent to the Persian king. Since
Ahmed wants the princess for himself, he orders his
guards to take the ambassador away, presumably to kill him. Ahmed
visits the princess and tells her that he will not send her to Persia, but will keep her and marry her
instead. She hates him, so she sends a message via carrier pigeon to Marco
Marco receives the message and asks Kaidu's
permission to leave because the princess is in danger. Kaidu refuses.
Marco talks to him about his revolt.
Marco: |
"Why are you rebelling against the Emperor?" |
Kaidu: |
"Because my people are taxed to the point of starvation. I don't mind
paying proper tribute to Kublai Khan, but I refuse to pay Ahmed for his private
treasury." |
Marco talks him into taking his warriors to Beijing. With the Emperor
and his army away fighting the Japanese, now is the perfect time to attack
Ahmed. Kaidu wonders how to get past the walls of Beijing and also the
palace walls. Marco says he can get into the palace and will find a way to
get Kaidu's army in. Marco Polo rides ahead to make arrangements.
The emperor's army was defeated by the Japanese; Kublai Khan and the
other survivors return to Beijing. Khan discovers that Ahmed has usurped
power, and now Ahmed threatens to release hungry vultures upon the captive
princess unless Khan signs a document recognizing Ahmed as the rightful
successor to the throne.

Ahmed gets a massage while listening to his guard. |

The guard explains that he saw Marco Polo and Princess
Kukachin kissing. |
Marco Polo reaches Beijing and disguises himself as a local to gain secret
entrance to the palace. While polishing the floor, he makes his way
towards the
princess' room. The princess is about to kill herself to avoid marriage to
Ahmed, but Marco reaches her in time and stops her.
Kaidu's army is outside the city gate. Ahmed traps Kaidu and a few followers between the
palace gate and city gate, and then he leaves for his wedding.
Marco's friend Chen Tsu brings "fire powder" (gunpowder),
with which Marco blows up the outside gate so the rest of Kaidu's army can ride
Princess Kukachin stalls the wedding as best she can until
Marco Polo arrives
and engages in a hand-to-hand battle with Ahmed. Ahmed opens the trap door to the
lions, but Marco manages to throw Ahmed in.
With Ahmed out of the way, order is soon restored. Kublai Khan gives Kaidu
a bevy of beautiful women, Binguccio draws up the trade agreements
between Venice and China, and Marco Polo is given the task of escorting the princess
to Persia.
This thrilling, romantic offering is done in the
best Goldwyn manner. It has been skillfully directed by Archie Mayo,
and introduces a new and exotic actress, Sigrid Gurie, playing
opposite Gary Cooper. Cooper, performing in his easy, natural way,
is an excellent choice for Marco Polo, while the Norwegian girl
should go far as a screen personality. Another very important member
of the cast is basil Rathbone, as the sinister, scheming
representative of the Khan of China (George Barbier). Alan Hale is
effective as a chieftain, while Binnie Barnes is beguiling as his
wife. Ernest Truex furnishes much of the comedy as Cooper's
companion, H.B. Warner, a Chinese chemist and philosopher; Henry
Kolker, Robert Grieg, Ferdinand Gottschalk, Stanley Fields, Lana
Turner, Lotus Liu, Harold Huber, are among the members of the cast.
Robert E. Sherwood's script gives modern treatment to the famous
story of the 13th Century, and the picture is rich in comedy. Marco,
son of a Venetian merchant, is commissioned by his father to travel
to China and make trade agreements with the Easterners. After a
perilous journey, he finally reaches Pekin and the royal court of
the Khan. Princess Kukachin (Sigrid Gurie) is betrothed to the ruler
of Persia, whom she has never seen. She longs for a tall, handsome
hero as a sweetheart, and her wish is answered in Marco's arrival.
He teaches her the art of kissing and when his interest in the
Princess grows strong, he is dispatched to the rebel camp, ruled
over by Alan Hale. He is about to be killed as a spy, when
flirtatious Binnie Barnes, Hale's wife, intervenes in his behalf. In
turn, he saves Hale from murder by Harold Huber, a spy. He leads
Hale and his men to Pekin, where through a ruse, he enable them to
storm the walls of the palace. Marco, in a fierce struggle, tosses
the villainous Ahmed (Rathbone) to the lions and wins the fair
Princess. George Haight rates credit as associate producer. Richard
Mate's photography, in sepia tone, is high-grade.
—The Film Daily, February 15, 1938 |
Don't expect historical accuracy from this film, but who cares? The
film is utterly charming and entertaining. The Adventures of Marco Polo is only slightly based on the travels of the real Marco Polo. In
the story of Marco Polo, producer Samuel Goldwyn apparently thought that Polo himself was more
important to the world, more interesting to the public, than the period in
which he lived, and the ancient politics in which he figured. In The Adventures
of Marco Polo you will find a character to love, a romance to stir
you. But you will also find the color, the atmosphere, the feeling of a
world strange to you. You will have a fantastic adventure.
History records that a 21-year-old Marco Polo traveled to China with
his father and uncle (not his bookkeeper) and lived there for 24 years.
After his return to Venice, Marco Polo captained a ship, and was
subsequently captured and imprisoned by the Genoese. While in prison he
recounted his adventures in China. The published manuscript became very
popular, but most of the incredible tales Marco told were not believed,
and he was therefore dubbed "the man of a million lies." China had many
wonders that were unknown to western culture in the 13th century: paper
money, coal, gunpowder, for example. Yet, Marco Polo never mentioned the
Great Wall of China, calligraphy, the binding of women's feet, and tea
drinking. These omissions have led some people to believe that Marco Polo
never actually visited China. Also supporting that theory is the fact that
there is no mention of Marco Polo in Chinese historical records. The
controversy is discussed in a 1995 book by Frances Wood called Did
Marco Polo Go to China? and the 2001 book Marco Polo and the
Discovery of the World by John Larner.

Ahmed sends Marco Polo to Kaidu Province. |

Ahmed watches as Marco Polo departs. |
Originally Douglas Fairbanks Sr. and Samuel Goldwyn planned to co-produce
The Adventures of Marco Polo. On April 3, 1937, Fairbanks sold his
interest in the film. He had, at one time, planned it as a starring
vehicle for himself. Amid speculation behind his action, Fairbanks
issued the following statement:
"Because of my desire to withdraw from the co-producership of 'The
Adventures of Marco Polo,' in order to devote my time to individual
productions of my own, Mr. Sam Goldwyn, my close friend and associate, has
today purchased all of my rights to this forthcoming production." (Box
Office magazine, April 10, 1937)
Goldwyn and those close to Fairbanks denied that any disagreement had
caused a rift in their relationship.
Gary Cooper's first starring picture for
Samuel Goldwyn, and United Artists release, is a spectacular
melodrama, extravagantly produced scenes of which are laid in
medieval Europe and China. It is a marked departure from current
film trends, and brings back to the screen the type of historical
adventure and romance which prevailed in silent picture days. With
Cooper's top rating in the international star lists, "The Adventures
of Marco Polo" is pointed to big box office returns justifying the
substantial production outlay.
This is the fifth and last of Goldwyn's film program for the
present season. It is also his most ambitious endeavor, and said to
be the costliest. It deserves and will get enthusiastic exhibitor
plugging. From a showmanship viewpoint it is the most speculative
venture of his group, which include "Stella Dallas," "Dead End,"
"Hurricane," and "Goldwyn Follies." Producer is credited in and out
of the trade with a genius for cock-eyed epigram; his productions,
however, talk straight enough in terms of big money.
A glamorous figure in history, which places him in the 13th
century as the first European to visit the Orient (at least he was
the first to make a written report of what he saw and did), Marco
Polo has been the inspiration for innumerable novels and plays.
Within recent years Eugene O'Neill dramatized the character. He has
been portrayed in as many different guises as imagination permits:
as traveler, adventurer, merchant, diplomat. He probably was all of
these and a first class liar besides. Robert E. Sherwood, who penned
the screenscript, conceives him also as an ardent lover and
politician. Cooper fits the character to the apex of his six feet
"Polo" is as much Sherwood as Cooper. Dramatist has a way of
handling historical characters, ascribing modern thought and dialog
against ancient environment. Although not as clever as the author's
"The Road to Rome," the film treatment is in similar breezy style.
Characters who are strangers in language speak a common English
tongue as though they were brought up on the same comic sheets.
Sherwood never gives them a dialect. He is more concerned with
entertainment than with history.
There is a plot, however, and it is strictly meller, starting
with Ahmed (Rathbone) as a conniving prime minister to the Chinese
ruler, Kublai Khan. Schemer has his eye on the throne and a desire
for the dynastic princess for his queen, although she is promised to
the Persian ruler. Ahmed maintains elaborate torture chambers where
recalcitrants are given the choice between various kinds of
intensive wrist-twisting until they are persuaded to tell the truth.
Into such a vortex of beauty and villainy come Marco Polo and his
business agent, having successfully survived shipwreck, hot desert
sands and mountain avalanches encountered en route from Venice to
Pekin. With some good letters of instruction in his portfolio, Marco
Polo is admitted to the court and there glimpses the beautiful
princess, who is much taken with his six feet two and easy manner of
love-making behind the Chinese fountain.
Ahmed sees the visitor as a menace and has him pushed across the
border to the lands occupied by Kaidu, a fur-bearing bandit. When
events reach the point where Ahmed's plotting is about to succeed,
Marco Polo persuades Kaidu to make an assault on Pekin, in the
course of which there is a thrilling cavalry charge, much bow-and-arrowing
and an explosion of the newly invented gunpowder which destroys a
portion of the palace gates and makes victory possible for the
invaders. Thereupon Polo claims the princess for himself and is
further rewarded with a trade agreement between his Italian
merchandising firm and the government. All of which must have some
bearing in some way on what is transpiring in China at the present
time, but the significance of the first international trade
agreement not pointed out.
That a yarn quite so lurid is made convincing is due primarily to
Archie Mayo's direction, which maintains the spirit of Sherwood's
script throughout. It is all played on the dead level by a fine
cast. Rathbone is an excellent plotter, and Sigrid Gurie, a Norwegian
actress who makes her American film debut in the picture, possesses
beauty of a kind to start civil war in any country.
George Barbier plays the Emperor straight, and Alan Hale is a
belligerent wild man of the hills. Binnie Barnes and Ernest Truex
have good comedy parts.
There are outstanding bits by H.B. Warner, as a Chinese chemist
and philosopher, and Ferdinand Gottschalk, as the Persian minister.
Robert Grieg, Henry Kolker, Hale Hamilton, Stanley Fields and Harold
Huber are others in the long cast.
Production under George Haight as associate producer is heavily
loaded with Chinese objets de art and massive sets, both in and out.
An appropriate musical score is by Hugo Friedhofer. Release prints
are in a sepia tint.
Picture is big and an excellent vehicle for Cooper. That should
mean substantial receipts.
—Variety, February 16, 1938 |
May 1937, Sam Goldwyn announced that AMP would be the last Goldwyn
film done in black and white. Henceforth his
pictures would be made only in Technicolor. As to why The Adventures of Marco Polo
could not be made in Technicolor, Goldwyn explained, "Dr. Herbert T. Kalmus, of Technicolor, frankly
advises me that they are yet unable to supply that much equipment." (Box
Office, May 22, 1937)

The Persian ambassador presents a beautiful necklace for the princess. |

Ahmed presents the gift to the princess as if it's from him. |
Goldwyn began work on the film in June 1937. John Cromwell was hired as
director, but after only four days, he abandoned the project. Cromwell's
walkout is said to have occurred after a dispute with Samuel Goldwyn over
characterizations in the picture. Cromwell differed with the producer's
conception of Marco Polo's character as delineated in the script. Unable
to effect a compromise, Cromwell backed away from the job.
Production was interrupted only temporarily, however, as Goldwyn
assigned Archie Mayo to the film. Archie Mayo is being assisted by Walter Mayo. They are not related and
this is the first time they have worked together.
Although it seemed an amicable parting of the ways, Cromwell later
filed suit against Samuel Goldwyn, Walter Wanger and Selznick
International for "breach of contract." Variety reported, "The action sets forth that Selznick participated in a deal with Goldwyn
and Wanger whereby the three producers would share director's services and
his $3,250 weekly salary. He claims dismissal by Goldwyn after working
five weeks on The Adventures of Marco Polo and that he had been unpaid on his contract since then."
(Variety, January 26, 1938) Goldwyn declared that Cromwell was not
fired, but resigned.
Here is the most delightful and
thrillingly spectacular adventure film since the good old days of
swash-buckling Douglas Fairbanks. Kids will go mad about it—and
don't think the adults won't like it too. It has all the essentials
of a movie: romance, humor, action, goosepimples and heroics.
Gary Cooper is fittingly cast as Marco Polo, Venetian adventurer
of the thirteenth century, and according to history the first man of
the western world to penetrate China. Marco Polo's purpose is to
negotiate a trade agreement with the great Kublai Khan in Pekin, and
after a hazardous journey across Asia he arrives within the romantic
walls of the Khan only to discover himself up to his ears in
He meets the lovely princess in the garden, teacher her the new
and gentle art of kissing, and straightway incurs the cold hatred of
Basil Rathbone, the wicked Saracen adviser of the good Khan. After
many hair-breadth escapes from death Gary manages to save the throne
for Kublai Khan and rescue the princess (Sigrid Gurie) from the
villainous Rathbone.
—Silver Screen, April 1938 |
Watch clips from The Adventures of Marco Polo on the Turner
Classic Movies website:
See Page Two for more reviews and pictures from the
film. See Page Three for pictures of posters,
lobby cards and promo photos.
Cast |
Basil Rathbone
... |
Ahmed |
Gary Cooper ... |
Marco Polo |
Sigrid Gurie
... |
Princess Kukuchin |
Ernest Truex
... |
Binguccio |
Alan Hale
... |
Kaidu |
George Barbier ... |
Kublai Khan |
Binnie Barnes
... |
Nazama |
Lana Turner
... |
Nazama's maid |
Stanley Fields
... |
Bayan |
Harold Huber
... |
Toctai |
H.B. Warner
... |
Chen Tsu |
Eugene Hoo
... |
Chen Tsu's son |
Helen Quan
... |
Chen Tsu's daughter |
Soo Yong ... |
Chen Tsu's wife |
Mrs. Ng ... |
Chen Tsu's mother |
Lotus Liu ... |
Visahka |
Ferdinand Gottschalk ... |
Persian Ambassador |
Henry Kolker ... |
Nicolo Polo |
Hale Hamilton ... |
Maffeo Polo |
Robert Grieg ... |
Chamberlain |
Reginald Barlow ... |
Venetian businessman |
Theodore von Eltz ... |
Venetian businessman |
Diane Toy ... |
Kaidu entertainer |
Harry Kerus ... |
Kaidu guard |
Greta Granstedt ... |
Kaidu maid |
Harry Cording ... |
Kaidu officer |
Dick Rich ... |
Kaidu officer |
Joe Woody ... |
Kaidu officer |
Leo Fielding ... |
Kaidu officer |
Richard Alexander ... |
Ahmed's aide |
Granville Bates ... |
Venetian businessman |
Ward Bond ... |
Mongol Guard |
Richard Farnsworth ... |
Mongol warrior |
Mia Ichloka ... |
court girl |
James B. Leong ... |
Tartar warrior |
Diana Moncardo ... |
court girl |
Jason Robards Sr. ... |
messenger |
Evelyn Terry ... |
woman |
Gloria Youngblood ... |
court girl |
Dora Young ... |
court girl |
Credits |
Company ... |
Samuel Goldwyn Co. |
... |
Samuel Goldwyn |
Assoc. Producer... |
George Haight |
Director ... |
Archie Mayo |
Robert E. Sherwood |
... |
N.A. Pogson |
Cinematographers ... |
Rudolph Maté and
Archie Stout |
Film Editor ... |
Fred Allen |
Original Music ... |
Hugo Friedhofer and Alfred Newman |
Music Director ... |
Alfred Newman |
Art Director ... |
Richard Day |
Asst. Art Director ... |
Lance Baxter |
Costumes ... |
Omar Kiam |
Set Decoration ... |
Julia Heron |
Art Tinting ... |
John M. Nikolaus Jr. |
Sound Department ... |
Oscar Lagerstrom, Thomas T.
Moulton |
Asst. Director ... |
Walter Mayo |
Second unit directors ... |
Ralph Cedar, John Ford |
Special Effects ... |
James Basevi |
Stunts ... |
Richard Farnsworth, Henry Wills |
Archery Instructor ... |
Chester Seay |
Orchestrator ... |
Edward B. Powell |
Makeup ... |
Robert Stephanoff |
The Adventures of Marco Polo is available on DVD