The Last Hurrah
Page Three
Posters, Lobby Cards, and Promo Photos


one-sheet poster

one-sheet poster, style Z

window card

six-sheet poster

half-sheet poster, style A

half-sheet poster, style B


three-sheet poster

Australian Daybill

Italian one-panel poster

Belgian poster

lobby cards:

(Basil doesn't appear on any of these lobby cards.)


title card

Mexican lobby cards:


Promo Photos:


Basil Rathbone

Front row: Edward Brophy, Spencer Tracy, Pat O'Brien
Back row: James Gleason, Ricardo Cortez


John Carradine, Basil Ruysdael, Basil Rathbone

Spencer Tracy with Basil Rathbone, Diane Foster, James Gleason, Jeffrey Hunter and Edward Brophy. Artwork by Kroll, Columbia Pictures, 1958

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