More pictures from
The Ghost in the Invisible Bikini
Page Two

Posters, Lobby Cards, and Promotional Photos

one sheet poster


half sheet

3-sheet poster

Italian poster

window card

Mexican lobby card

Mexican lobby card

press book cover

lobby card

lobby card

lobby card

Basil Rathbone


Rathbone with Quinn O'Hara and Patsy Kelly

Basil Rathbone, Jesse White, Benny Rubin, and Bobbi Shaw

Tommy Kirk, Quinn O'Hara, and Basil Rathbone

Jesse White, Deborah Walley, and Basil Rathbone

Basil Rathbone, Jesse White, Bobbi Shaw, and Benny Rubin

Basil Rathbone and Bobbi Shaw pretending to be mannequins in Hiram's Chamber of Horrors.

Basil Rathbone and Patsy Kelly

Nancy Sinatra and Aron Kincaid


Basil receives instructions from a crew person (director, perhaps?) on the set of The Ghost in the Invisible Bikini.

Basil looks on as Boris Karloff and his wife greet Nancy Sinatra.

Boris Karloff, Francis X. Bushman and Basil Rathbone between takes on the set of The Ghost in the Invisible Bikini

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